Matchbooks from famous designers

Designed by the legendary Saul Bass for the Hunt-Wesson/Ohio Match Company circa 1964. Can be had for a mere $15 on etsy.

Another by Saul Bass from the same period. I found these and more on the excellent etsy store Designcollects

Saul Bass

Saul Bass

Alvin Lustig via etsy

Alexander Girard. Designed for the La Fonda del Sol restaurant in New York City. $45.


H. G. Wells. Meanwhile. George H. Doran, August 1927. FirstAmerican edition, first printing.


The Croquet Player by H.G.Wells 1937 via


H. G. Wells. When the Sleeper Wakes. Harper & Brothers, 1899. First American edition, first printing. via

Dell No. 269 - The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells. Cover art by Gerald Gregg via swallace99 on flickr. Lots of nice Gregg covers to be found here.


Japanese tin scooters of the 50s

I don't own one of these though I always wanted to. They tend to be on the pricey side... Not ony do I love scooters, but the lithography on these is especially beautiful. I love the outfits on the figures! To see more, visit

Technofix Scooter. German, 1956

Juno scooter 1950. Yonoana. 

Friction operated Baby scooter, Marusan Japan 1950. Girl sitting on the back, boy is driving. Size: 5.2 inch (13,4 cm). Via