John O'Hara lending library

I just bought this copy of Sweet and Sour, so I thought it was a good time to put together a post of a few of my first editions by O'Hara, as well as a few nice ones I don't possess. I love the design of this book jacket!

Sweet and Sour, by John O'Hara First UK edition 1955

Appointment in Samarra 1934

A Rage to Live 1949 via Live Auctioneers

Butterfield 8 1935 signed first edition via eBay. Cover by Arthur Hawkins, Jr.

Tuesday night scramble

I love eggs, and I love eggs for dinner. It's quick, it's easy, and you can use whatever you have available to change it up. I make this one a lot. It starts with fresh eggs from my chickens. I use one large (from Hedy, Zelda or Pickles), one small (from Hazel or Ezmarelda) and some packaged egg whites to keep the calories down. Beat them together well with a fork or whisk in a bowl and set aside.  SautΓ© a small handful of red onions in olive oil spray on high until softened, then add sliced shiitake mushrooms, thin-sliced zucchini, and slivered collard greens in that order. This time I also added a slice of seitan bacon from Upton's Naturals. When everything is browned, lower the heat, pour in the beaten eggs and scramble it all together. For fun, I added a serving of Trader Joe's frozen Garlic Potatoes in Parmesan Sauce, which I cooked in the same skillet. So good.

Scrambled fresh eggs with collard greens, seitan bacon and shiitake mushrooms and a side of garlic parmesan potatoes.

A blue egg from one of my Cream Legbars, Hedy.

Here are Hedy, Pickles, Zelda, and Horatio bringing up the rear.

William Steig

I recently subscribed to The New Yorker online so that I could become dangerously addicted to their massive archive of past issues. Here are a few of my favorite covers by Steig, who created   thousands of covers and cartoons for the magazine beginning in 1930. Plus... a book I found on Etsy! There's a wonderful postscript to his life here.

This is my favorite: June 18, 1960 New Yorker | William Steig

May 9, 1953 New Yorker | William Steig

William Steig

William Steig

The Lonely ones by William Steig 1942 via Etsy $25.00

Covers from the Herb Lubalin Center collection

Cover of the β€œCorneille-landmeter” exhibition catalog from the Stedelijk Museum, designed by Wim Crouwel, Total Design, 1966

Cover of the β€œGedrukt in Japan” exhibition catalog from the Stedelijk Museum, designed by Wim Crouwel, Total Design, 1967

Cover of Gebrauchsgraphik by Heinz Hadem, 1950

Cover of Graphis magazine by Joseph Binder, 1948

Cover of Publimondial by Donald Brun. 1948

Cover of β€œDesign Quarterly” by Rob Roy Kelly, Walker Art Center. 1963


Vintage & collectible clocks

Vintage wood flower clock via 

A great estate sale find, this Smith Metal Arts "Radius One" desk clock, designed by William Sklaroff, is still made, but not in solid brass via

Newgate Bubble Wall clock. via West Elm

Rare Frederick Weinberg Shelf Clock 1950 via

vintage sterling & noble flip clock via flickr