I just bought this copy of Sweet and Sour, so I thought it was a good time to put together a post of a few of my first editions by O'Hara, as well as a few nice ones I don't possess. I love the design of this book jacket!
Tuesday night scramble
I love eggs, and I love eggs for dinner. It's quick, it's easy, and you can use whatever you have available to change it up. I make this one a lot. It starts with fresh eggs from my chickens. I use one large (from Hedy, Zelda or Pickles), one small (from Hazel or Ezmarelda) and some packaged egg whites to keep the calories down. Beat them together well with a fork or whisk in a bowl and set aside. SautΓ© a small handful of red onions in olive oil spray on high until softened, then add sliced shiitake mushrooms, thin-sliced zucchini, and slivered collard greens in that order. This time I also added a slice of seitan bacon from Upton's Naturals. When everything is browned, lower the heat, pour in the beaten eggs and scramble it all together. For fun, I added a serving of Trader Joe's frozen Garlic Potatoes in Parmesan Sauce, which I cooked in the same skillet. So good.
William Steig
I recently subscribed to The New Yorker online so that I could become dangerously addicted to their massive archive of past issues. Here are a few of my favorite covers by Steig, who created thousands of covers and cartoons for the magazine beginning in 1930. Plus... a book I found on Etsy! There's a wonderful postscript to his life here.