Abstract Saturday: Werner Drewes

A student of Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky, Drewes (1899-1985) was German born but relocated to New York in 1930. He was best known for his studies of forms in nature. Here are some of my favorites of his many woodcuts, along with a few paintings.

Clam Night, wood cut 1968

Dawn of Spring

Assisi (no. 206) wood cut, 1958

Aquatic Ballet, wood cut,  1979

At Play no. 3 (Fight) wood cut, 1973

The Blue Lake, wood cut, 1957

Bats 1944

Contrasting Harmony, Werner Drewes, Oil on vellum, via Richard Norton Gallery

Untitled (Abstraction), Werner Drewes, Oil on vellum, via Richard Norton Gallery

Acrobatics 1974 via 

Contrasting Harmony 1970

Vintage children's books from Etsy

I continue to be entranced by vintage books. Sometimes I marvel at the prospect that one day, there will be no more physical books produced. Wouldn't that be awful? I found these on MuddyRiverAntiques on Etsy.

1955 The First Book of Automobiles available here for a mere 7 bucks.

The Curious little Kitten By Bernadine Cook. Illustrated by Remy Charlip 1970. $3 here.

Vintage Grace Llivingston Hill book Rainbow Cottage. Book has its original dust jacket. Book was published in 1934. Available right here for $8.

Angus and the Cat by Marjorie Flack 1970 . Available for $6 here.

Good Times Together 1940. Available here for $6