Abstract Saturday: Bradley Walker Tomlin

Bradley Walker Tomlin (1899–1953), Number 2 – 1950, 1959. Whitney Museum of American Art

Number 20 by Bradley Walker Tomlin 1949 via WikiArt

Interplanetary Greeting by Bradley Walker Tomlin 1949 via Cornell University

No. 8 by Bradley Walker Tomlin 1952 via the phillips collection

Number 7 by Bradley Walker Tomlin 1953

BRADLEY WALKER TOMLIN Untitled, circa 1960 via Phillips.com

Illustrators I love: Roger Chouinard

Here's an illustrator I just belatedly discovered. I wish I had known of him when I was art directing my magazines. What was I thinking?! He has a great vintage vibe and a wonderfully playful take on the different mediums he works in. I even love his abstract paintings. 

Roger Chouinard

Roger Chouinard

Roger Chouinard

Moonlight by Roger Chouinard


Sebastião Rodrigues

I love the work of this Portuguese graphic artist (1929-1997) who designed the magazine Almanaque, which ran from 1959 to 1961. Influenced by Alvin Lustig and Victor Palla. I came across these covers on Pedro Mosca's pinterest page.

Almamaque March 1960 | cover by Sebastião Rodrigues

Almanaque Outubro de 1960 | Capa de Sebastião Rodrigues

Almanaque Junho de 1960 | Capa de Sebastião Rodrigues

Almanaque February 1961 

Almanaque Agosto 1960 | Capa de Sebastião Rodrigues via

II Exhibition of Plastic Arts of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1961

Poster for Enciclopédia luso-brasileira de Cultura. 610mm x 610mm. 1979 via Luis Gomes on Flickr