Archives of a publisher

Established in 1952, Wydawnictwo Iskry is one of the oldest publishing houses in Poland and they have painstakingly posted hundreds of really beautiful book covers, year by year on pinterest. Here are just a few.

"W poszukiwaniu zaginionego miasta" (In Search of the Lost City) D. i G. Lamb Przekład: Tadeusz Evert Projekt okładki: Jerzy Zbijewski 1958

"Ludzie z jamy" Kalman Segal Cover by Mieczysław Kowalczyk Illustrated by Jolanta Niesytto 1957

"Uniwersytety Ludowe" 1960

 "White Fang" Translated by Anna Przedpełska-Trzeciakowska. Cover by Bohdan Bocianowski (edition III) 1956