Maciej Hibner

Hibner, a Polish graphic designer born in Warsaw in 1931 was an important figure in the Polish school of poster design. Here are just a few of his wonderful book jackets and film posters from the fifties and sixties.

"Elmer Gantry" Sinclair Lewis Cover by Maciej Hibner Published by Wydawnictwo Iskry 1959

"Zielone złoto" Michał Rusinek Cover by Maciej Hibner Published by Wydawnictwo Iskry 1960

Maciej Hibner | Alibi Doskonale (Two Way Stretch) 1963. British (British Lion), 1960. Director: Robert Day. Starring Peter Sellers, Wilfrid Hyde-White.

"Smak soli i pieprzu" (Powiesť o dietstwie) Michał Sztitelman Translated by Zofia and Stanisław Głowiakowie Cover by Maciej Hibner Published by Wydawnictwo Iskry 1965

El verdugo (1963), Luis García Berlanga.