I've always been attracted to these beautifully lithographed toys when I see them at flea markets. The Schucos from the 50s and 60s particular are pretty amazing! The varianto system was like a train set with cars. Check out the video of it in action.
Schuco Variante 3054 Service Station. These post-war German stations from Schuco were part of a whole system that included appropriately scaled cars and trucks.
Schuco Varianto 3055 Elektro Service Station. West German, 1960s via carters.com
Play time service station
Marx Nite & Day Service Station via ebay
Marx Roadside Rest service Station
Keystone Service Center
Hoch & Beckmann, Shell gas station, W.-Germany, tin, functions ok, with gas pump & car lift via
Marx service center with sky-view parking
Arnold, big gas station Esso, W.-Germany, tin