Jack and Jill Magazine has been continually in publication since 1938. Here are some beautiful covers from the mid to late fifties, most available on ebay.
This week on my drawing board
This week in MATS class, we're doing children's picture books. The assignment was illustrating the cover or a spread of Aesop's "The Tortoise and the Hare" fable. I saw the tortoise as being a very organized and positive fellow, who would plan out his journey to the "T". I love painting rain scenes, so I threw that in because I wanted to make my painting feel really atmospheric.
This week on my drawing board
Getting ready for Halloween, though I somehow never get my decorations up in time. In MATS class we're doing dining plates based on traditional Uzbeki Suzani motifs. A bit of a challenge for me.
Charles Addams
Hoping you have a Happy Halloween! Seems like a perfect time for a bit of the Chas.