Edward Ardizzone (1900-1979)

"It might be truly said that the born illustrator is not very interested in life as it is. He likes to create his own version of the world around him. Actuality is not pointed enough for him." Edward Ardizzone in a talk "The Born Illustrator" delivered to the Double Crown Club at one of their dinners in 1957. (Read the complete text here). Ardizzone, who illustrated and wrote so many wonderful books, was considered by many to be the father of the modern children's picture book. Here are some of my favorites of his work.

The Witch Family written by Eleanor Estes 1960

The Otterbury Incident 1963 reprint via

The Strand Magazine - October 1947 - cover by Edward Ardizzone. Via flickr

The Little Grey Men by "BB" (Denys Watkins-Pitchford). First published by Eyre & Spottiswood, 1942. Puffin edition 1962, this reprint 1975 (ii). Cover illustration by Edward Ardizzone. via

The Long Sunday by Peter Fletcher

Little Tim and the Brave Sea Captain by Edward Ardizzone, copyright 1936, first in a series of 'Little Tim' books. This is the 1968 edition by Scholastic Book Services. via theartofchildrenspicturebooks.blogspot.com