Aleksandr Rodchenko (Russian, 1891-1946)

Some cool Constructivist book cover designs from the late 1920s and early 30s from the Museum of Modern Art.

Aleksandr Rodchenko, L'Art Décoratif et Industriel de L' U.R.S.S 1925

Aleksandr Rodchenko. New LEF: Journal of the Left Front of the Arts), no. 12, 1928

 Aleksandr Rodchenko No. S. (Novye stikhi) 1928

Aleksandr Rodchenko, Novyi LEF. Zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv (New LEF: Journal of the Left Front of the Arts), no. 6, 1928

Lois Lenski

Here are a few great examples of books illustrated (many also written) by Lois Lenski (1893 – 1974)

The Little Family by Lois Lenski 1932 via eBay

Betsy-Tacy, by Maud Hart Lovelace, illustrated by Lois Lenski via

The Little Auto by Lois Lenski via

The Little Airplane by Lois Lenski. New York: Oxford University Press, (1938)

via Harropian Books

High-rise secret 1966 via

Erik Nitsche

Erik Nitsche (September 7, 1908 - November 14, 1998) was a Swiss-born designer who, after moving to the United States at the age of 26, had a long and successful career as a graphic designer and art director. He's most famous for the work he did for General Dynamics, the engineering company, but also created many iconic record album and book covers. I love his abstract geometric images humanized by delicate color palettes. Enjoy!

General Dynamics Annual Report 1955 via

Poster for General Dynamics, Convair 880: world's fastest jetliner, 1959 via

Poster for General Dynamics, General Dynamics, liquid carbonic, medical gases, 1960

Poster for General Dynamics, Astrodynamics, Atoms for peace, 1955

Poster for General Dynamics (Triga around the world, General Atomic) 1960

Gebrauchsgraphic, April 1956

Fortune Magazine, 1954

J.S Bach, The Well-tempered clavier, Decca Records

Debussy, 12 Etudes for Decca Records

Decca Records via

Rachmaninoff for Decca Records via 

Segovia for Decca Records

Mozart for Decca Records

Schumann Dichterliebe for Decca Records

Schubert for Decca Records

Magazine illustration, Eyes of the fighting 9th

Book cover for Harvest Books via

Winnie Fitch

I only just came across this illustrator the other day. She's been working hard in the industry for many years and is happily still at it! Her work is available on Imagekind. Here are some especially nice book covers and a catalogue cover from the 1950s. I love her line work in these book cover illustrations, and the catalogue gives us a taste of her quintessentially mid-century style of character illustration. She also created some whimsical advertisements while working in Chicago, New York and Boston. See more here.

University of Chicago Press | Illustrated by Winnie Fitch (with then-husband, Joe Phelan) 1953


Catalogue cover Marshall Fields | Illustrated by Winnie Fitch 1950

Children's Press Illustrated by Winnie Fitch 1952

You and Space Neighbors by John Lewellen 1953 via